VOX - Cooltron BT Brit Boost - booster valvolare per chitarra elettrica Ct-03bt
115,00 €
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227,00 €
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Cooltron BT Brit Boost - booster valvolare per chitarra elettrica Ct-03bt
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pedale booster gain ed enfatizzatore di frequenze valvolare (12au7 - ecc82) con sistema cooltron - controlli: gain, tone, volume - connessioni: 1 x entrata jack strumento + 1 x uscita jack - interruttori: effect e treble /full range - alimentazione: 4 x batterie aa (durata: 20 ore in funzione grazie al sistema cooltron brevetto vox) o alimentatore da 9 volt opzionale - dimensioni in cm.: 6,4 (altezza) x 16,84 (larghezza) x 15,55 (profondità) - peso in kg.: 1,05 (senza batterie).
give your tone extra muscle with the brit boost pedal. the treble boost setting pumps up the treble and upper middle frequencies, just like you’d expect from a vintage treble booster pedal. in the full range boost position the pedal enhances all frequencies. it adds low mids and bottom end to the treble boost mode and is good for pushing a slightly overdriven amp into heavy overdrive. a gain knob varies the overall gain of the pedal from mellow and warm to grinding and ripping! plus, a tone knob adjusts the overall tonality of the pedal. of course, there’s a true bypass switch that lets your signal flow through without coloring the tone.
want to know how it all works?
normally, tubes are used at high voltages and this restricts their use in battery-powered devices such as guitar effects pedals. historically, attempts have been made to use tubes at low voltages in what has been dubbed ’starvation’ mode, but these circuits don’t allow the tube to function in an acceptable manner. the tube simply cannot be biased to a satisfactory operating condition. plus, the necessary heater (filament) current is too high to deliver acceptable battery life. imagine how annoying it would be to have to change batteries every ten minutes during a gig!
here’s what makes the cooltron system tick. the cooltron circuit basically operates by using two very special signal paths. the first is the ’servo circuit,’ which provides the right conditions between the plate of the tube and the grid. this achieves controllable, stable parameters for the tube and provides the correct operating conditions for the tube to function as it would if run at a higher voltage. the second circuit is a patented power supply that provides a low voltage, low current supply to the heater elements in the tube. since the tube is now running at such a reduced supply level, the anode current is much smaller than normal. this means that the amount of heat required at the cathode to achieve sufficient cathode current emission is much smaller - hence the ability to run the heaters at a lower level and for cooltron pedals to run for 16 hours on 4 x aa batteries!
the cooltron system provides true tube sonic performance at very low voltage and at reduced heater current - ideal for inclusion into guitar effects pedals. cooltron guitar effects pedals offer valuable tube type sonic performance.
bulldog distortion controls - gain 1, volume 1, gain 2, volume 2, bass, treble, gain 2 voice, gain1/gain2 switch, true bypass
big ben overdrive controls - gain, tone, volume, true bypass
brit boost controls - treble boost/full range boost, gain, tone, volume, true bypass
tube: 12au7
power: 4 x aa batteries (allows 16 hours of operation)
options: 9v ac adapter
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Marca | Vox |
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