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SEYMOUR DUNCAN - Sfx-05 Lava Boxo Distortion effetto a pedale per chitarra elettrica

Disponibilità: 1 articolo
Prezzo: 89,00 € IVA inclusa Prezzo predefinito 128,00 € IVA inclusa
Sfx-05 Lava Boxo Distortion
Prodotto: Disponibile
Spediamo in: 24 ore


mosfet distortion/overdrive with incredible dynamic range. even at the highest gain settings, you can turn down your guitar’s volume control and the lava box will clean up beautifully. onstage, you can set the lava box for a loud lead tone and simply use your guitar’s volume control to get your clean and crunch tones--all without switching channels or kicking in other effects. in the studio, you can explore the huge array of tones that are available with the intuitive controls, creating special-effect thin tones or spooky dark sounds that are perfect for layering and overdubs.

the six-position ”rumble” bass roll-off control changes the sonic character of the lava box’s distortion for a huge range of tones, from bright and spanky to deep and warm. whether you have the thinnest single-coil in the bridge of your guitar or the woolliest humbucker in the neck, there is a rumble setting that’s perfect for it.

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Marca Seymour Duncan
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